Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Finnish children's nature guide

Iiris Kalliola & Lasse J. Laine: Suomen lasten retkeilyopas 2014

A nature guide to children, but in my mind many adults could read this book as well. The Finnish people seem to be drifting further away from nature and therefore be more afraid of animals and more allergic to different plants.

This book is divided into section by seasons: what to see and observe in spring, summer, fall or winter. For me the winter was most interesting, since I always thought things were dear or sleeping that time. Now I realize that there is still much to learn about nature in the winter. In TV I saw a clip about observing the winter plants and trying to see as many "talventörröttäjä" the winter plants that stick out of the snow.

In the spring you can listen to the owls in the dark, later watch the migratory birds flying back, watch the flower starting to bloom and look for frog spawn.

Summr time is good time to investigate everything: the swamps, forest, water ways, meadows and sleep in a tent. The book describes the clarity of the Finnish lakes and rivers. I was in Lemmenjoki ten years ago and we drank straight from the river, it was so clean and I believe it still is
Recepies for fish in a stick, a simple soup and ash potatoes.

In  the fall the elk is moving, mostly because they are hunted, you can go pick up lingonberries and mushrooms and watch the birds move south again.

Winter time is good for observing the starry night. In the summer time no stars can be seen. You can count the winter birds that stayed and go ice fishing. In addition you can look out for the tracks of different animals and their hide places.

The book also gives grat tips, what can you do in nature without the forest owners permission, jokamiehenoikeudet, what kind of gear you need and even recepies for cooking what you catch. 

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