Showing posts with label north. Show all posts
Showing posts with label north. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Northern Brights

Kati Heljakka 2018: Northern Brights
Illustrated by Pauliina Linjama

The seasons in North are extreme: the summers are light and the winters are dark velvet and autumn is full of color. Not much left to say about spring. The animals in north gather on a fire at the first snow to reflect on the wonders of nature. Some are complaining of winter, but bear needs his sleep. Horse remembers running wild in the summer, while wolf likes nothing more than running in the snow.
In the winter you can see the northern lights and the star, which are not visible in the summer. In the north the seasons have made the animals adjust to the changes. Even though this book makes it seam the seasons are made fot the animals.  Great book to read in the mid of summer, when winter is still so far away that it is easy to romanticize.

This is what we know on the northern hemisphere. What the book would be like on the southern hemisphere, when they even celebrate Christmas in the summer? 

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