Showing posts with label Santa Claus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Santa Claus. Show all posts

Thursday, December 6, 2018

I am Santa Claus

Heli Thorén 2018: Minä olen Joulupukki
Illustrated by Johanna Luoma-Tuominen

Description of Santa Claus's every day life. What is favourite food? What does he do on vacation? Santa Clause also reveals times when he and Mrs. Claus fight: when Santa Claus does not get enough rest.  The book makes Santa look like a man rather than a myth. Refreshing.

In the end is room for own thoughts: you can write the best Christmaspresents you have ever gotten and what were the worst?  What makes a good Christmas?

Mrs. Claus made a gingerbreadhouse for the elves