Showing posts with label Chrismas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chrismas. Show all posts

Friday, December 22, 2017

Rosemary and the magic of Christmas

Sirkka Knuutila 2007: Rosmariini ja joulun taika
illustrated by Taru Castrén

Rosemary is a small elf girl living at Korvatunturi. One Christmas morning all the children are ordered to stay indoors, because the Witch Anelma Alviina is in the village. Rosemary opens the door to the witch  and she takes Rosemary and one of her sisters with her promising to return them home. When they arrive to the witch's cabin, they realize she has no intention of returning them home.

The girls escape and continue preparing for Christmas. They spy on children and collect wish lists.  Rosemary is really tired and accidently falls asleep on Jaakko's pillow. The children are surprised and Rosemary asks them to hide her for the day.  In the evening Rosemary catches up with the other elves.

Rosemary feels tired at Anelma Alviina's
On the 19th day the elves discover that the magic of Christmas is missing. They find out that it was Witch Anelma Alviina has taken it.  Rosemary decides to get the magic powder back by herself. Rosemary gets help from Anelma Alviina's cat and head back to the witch's cabin. She promises Anelma that if she gives the magic powder back, she too can enjoy the magic of Christmas.

Lovely story about elves and witches. And the illustrations are delicate and cute.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Finnish elves for all seasons

Kirsi Manninen 2012: Tontun vuosi
photographs by Aki Paavola
English translation Malcolm Hicks

This book has also been published in English.
These elves live in Tyynelä. They show us what elves do, when it is not Christmas time.

The Finnish elf is the protector of the forrest and animals and some take part in the human activites in the household chores.  The elves cultivate hay and celebrate Kekri, the Finnish Halloween.

The elves harvestin

The book also includes old recepies for all seasons from Shrovetide pea soup to Christmas porrigde and potato casserole.

The book is illustrated with lovely photographs, which sometimes look very Swedish to me. But most of the Finnish Christmas traditions come from Sweden.
Christmas at Tyynelä

Friday, December 19, 2014

Korvatunturi Tales from Land of Santa Claus

Written and illustrated by Pekka Vuori 1999
A book about Korvatunturi and Santa's and the elves' lives there. A lot is happening throughout the year.

The content of the book:

Welcoming in the New Year
Mrs. Claus hum though Santa's stomach rumbles
At home atop a stump Korvatunturi, here we come!
The postponed birthday celebrations
The vanishing concert hall
The little boy who liked jam
The greybeards of Christmas valley:
  • Fife 
  • Master Elf Jot 
  • Scrub 
  • Headmaster Jaunt 
  • Glyph 
  • Theater director Jacum
Much snow, little to eat.
At five in the morning a spruce topples
The deft hands and practiced eyes of the joinery elves
The call of the red peaked cap
A strange star falls in the night
An elf beats SAnta at his own game
Spring comes, Gold River thaws
There's no fear of laundry day here
A summer island: the perfect place for a holiday
Who's afraid of an old sauna elf
Seven red caps
The island of lazy elf
Berry-picking with a bear
The gnomes dwell beneath spruce
Seven red caps
The folks of Korvatunturi put their faith in the great grandfather clock and the almanac
Mail delivery posthaste
Tons of wishes
Let's get cooking
Pine-cone reindeer and wooden swings
Much snow, little to eat
There's always time for admiring the northern lights
A reindeer ride fits the bill
The sun goes into hiding
There's little of the musician in every elf
Drama on both sides of the footlights
Making toys is no mean feat
Santa Claus heads for the woods
Taking out the walking stick
The long day, happy night
The travelers return hungry - and tired