Friday, November 2, 2018

Minna! The amazing life and impressive deeds of Minna Canth

Leena Virtanen 2018: Minna! Minna Canthin uskomaton elämä ja vaikuttavat teot
illustrated by Sanna Pelliccioni

Minna Canth, (born 1844) is one of the most important authors in Finland and one of the first who wrote in Finnish. Previously Finnish authors wrote in Swedish. She was a widow with seven children, ran a yarn shop and wrote books, plays and articles.

She wanted to change the world, when others wanted it to be the same, she defended the poor, of which nobody cared and she encouraged women, who did not have even the right to vote or to get an education.

Minna Canth fought for equality. This book is the story of Minna and her amazing deeds. She caused many scandals by suggesting in her plays that the working class and women should have the same rights as upper class men. "What would Minna do now, if she lived?"

Next year celebrates 175 years from Minna Canth's birth. I bet other books will be published of Minna then.

The book is labeled Finnish superwomen vol 1. Cannot wait how many volumes this book series has.

Minna's yarn shop that also sells fabrics and accessories

Minna visits the poor and writes realistically of their life.
This too shocks the upper class.

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