Monday, May 12, 2014

Muriseva Metsä -Growling Forest

Growling Forest cover
Hannu Hirvonen
Illustrations by Pia Sakki

Murisevassa Metsässä 2007
Tärisevä Traktori 2009
Harvapäinen hirvi 2010
Rakastunut krokotiili 2011
Virtahepojen laulujuhlat 2013
Krokotiili hiihtää kevääsen 2014

Series of books about a small crocodile, who lives in a Finnish forest.

Growling Forest (Murisevassa Metsässä)

In Growling Forest live all the familiar forest animals: bear, mice, moose and fox. This forest is special, because there lives a crocodile. The crocodile is very small and is often mistaken as a salamander. That makes crocodile Krristian very angry and growly. In the first book (Murisevassa metsässä) the forest is about to cut down, because people want to build a motor way.

Mouse family in Growling Forest
The forest creatures ask for help from the flying squirrel association, which is known for protecting nature (the flying squirrels are much endangered in Finland and observations of it have prevented many construction sites).

This time the humans are not fooled, but luckily Krristian the Crocodile is talking to the foreman of the construction site and the forest is saved.

Tärisevä traktori -cover

Trembling Tractor (Tärisevä Traktori)

In the second book  an old tractor runs away from home. The tractor, Valmet 15, has become too old and has heard that he will be sent for demolition. The animals are very worried and try to help the tractor.

 Especially small mice that have learned the language the tractor speaks. In the book are introduced numbers from 1 to 20 in tractorian. The story has a happy end.

Krristian and hedgehog meet a tractor

Harvapäinen hirvi -cover

Fetherbrained Moose (Harvapäinen Hirvi)

The forest’s oldest moose is losing his memory. He thinks Krristian is from Mars and he forgets that it is hunting season, but he remembers the great-great-great- grandparents of the baby mouse.

 Krristians uncle Krrakatau from Egypt happens to be visiting and he also tries to help the poor moose. It turns out that the Egyptian style for the care of elderly is note suited for moose.

Uncle Krrakatau with Krristian's family

Rakastunut Krokotiili -cover

Crocodile in love (Rakastunut krokotiili) 

Krristian falls in love with the lovely opera singer Krrilla. He has written her over 600 love poems. The moon teaches the little crock that there are different types of love: poetic long distance love, parent love and the romantic love. The whole life is love. Suddenly something happens: Krilla attends a mouse wedding. Is this real or just a dream?

Krrilla and Krristian being romantic

Virtahepojen laulujuhlat cover

Singing festival of the hippos (Virtahepojen laulujuhla)

Krristian and Krilla are on their honeymoon and travel with hot air balloon to the world famous Hippopotamus singing festival in Africa, but instead the wind takes them north. There the balloon takes the two little crocodiles to China. There they meet a wise dragon named Shiksal. Shiksal whispers the secret to happiness. Only the croc's heear it.

The two argue in the balloon, but they also make up. at the end of the book, the two come back home even though Uncle Krrakatau tries to persuade them to stay in Egypt. But the crocodiles have a nice home and sauna back in Finland.

Dragon Shisal tells the secret of happiness to Krristan and Krilla.

When they get back home Krristian's family comes to visit. Krristian's mother thinks that the greatest happiness is related to crocodiles: it can grow even after it is all grown up.

Krokotiili hiihtää kevääseen cover

Crocodile skies to spring (Krokotiili hiihtää kevääseen)

The first five books are children’s novels ( the first three are easy to read books for young readers). This book is a first picture book about the small crocodile Krristian. Krristian is sick of winter. He decides to ski to spring.

The wise, old moon tells him why it is important to have winter. Krristian meets people, who swim in the hole in the ice (avanto, which is very common in Finland) and finally a kind wolf takes Krristian to sauna and winter does not seem so bad after all.

Krristian and wolf in sauna

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