Based on tove Jansson's story of Christmastree in the book Invisible Child.
Written by Alex Haridi and Cecilia Davidsson 2018
Illustrated by Filippa Widlund.
Usually Moomins sleep through winter, but this time they are awakened by Hemulen making noise. They see all neighbors waiting for Christmas. Must be a very important visitor with all the fuzzing and buzzing. At first they are a little bit scared, but then they start waiting for Christmas, too, making all kinds of preparations.
The Moomins are practical and dressing up the tree confuses Moomin Mamma for awhile, since she does not have such big clothing.
The Moomins desire to give joy to others shine through. As always they are generous even to strangers. Story of Christmas spirit.
Moomins get a Christmas tree. |